Qualcomm just announced the upgrade of the Snapdragon 8 Elite processor, which should run the best Android phones that launch next year. It appears that the new chip will also support major software updates for quite some time. During the recent Snapdragon Summit, Chris Patrick, Qualcomm’s SVP and GM Mobile Handset, announced to assembled journalists […]
Category: News
Qualcomm debuted its Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset at Snapdragon Summit 2024, and various phone makers have since come forward to confirm that their upcoming flagships will be powered by the all-new (and all-powerful) mobile platform. Both Xiaomi and Honor joined Qualcomm CEO Cristiano Amon on stage in Hawaii to announce that the Xiaomi 15 and Honor Magic 7 series, […]
Getting your hand son the brand-new DJI Air 3S might be trickier than anticipated as the company is having issues importing its latest drone to the US. For the time being, it might only be possible to purchase the drone from DJI.com directly, not through any third-party stores. This isn’t anything to do with the ban bill […]
Apple announced a trio of major new hearing health features for the AirPods Pro 2 in September, including clinical-grade hearing aid functionality, a hearing test, and more robust hearing protection. All three will roll out next week with the release of iOS 18.1, and they could mark a watershed moment for hearing health awareness. Apple is about […]
Google’s Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro smartphones are finally a reality. But they face tough competition from Samsung’s Galaxy S22 lineup. In the Android world, the Pixel and Galaxy phones generally lead the way in the US market, so we’re anxious to put them side-by-side. For now, that means nitpicking spec differences, though we […]
One of the more interesting—and more curious—laptops I’ve tried in a while is the Lenovo ThinkPad X13s, one of the few ARM-based Windows systems on the market. The machine is designed to provide the laptop features we expect with the advantages we expect from phones, such as better battery life and instant on. It does […]
At a glance, Google’s Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro might seem like minor upgrades from the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro. But I got a chance to spend some time with the phones at Google’s launch event in Brooklyn, and while they look similar, several under-the-hood improvements should help differentiate them from their […]
Expectations have been running exceptionally high for Apple’s new M2 processor to outpace Intel’s best CPUs, but in the end, the M2 won’t beat Intel’s fastest chips. That was the news from Apple’s WWDC keynote Monday. The new 8-core M2 processor will appear in a redesigned MacBook Air, as well as in an updated MacBook […]