Google plans first Android 16 beta release this month

Android 16 is coming sooner than many expected. Google has set an accelerated release schedule for the upcoming software, with key milestones already in sight. The second developer preview is slated for December, while the first beta is expected to arrive this month. The second and third betas are projected for February and March, respectively. […]

How to Take Care of Your Phone’s Battery

Batteries are an essential component of almost every device. However, it is widely known that it tends to be the first one to lose its power after being used extensively. Even the most reliable devices such as laptops and phones lose their capability to charge at some point because their battery’s life cycle is already […]

Reasons why your Android battery drains quickly

If you’ve noticed that your Android phone or tablet’s battery is draining quickly, you’re not alone. Many factors can contribute to rapid battery depletion, but don’t worry; there are also several strategies you can employ to extend your device’s battery life. Reasons for fast battery drain. There are several potential causes if your Android device’s […]

What to do if your phone battery is swollen

There are multiple reasons why a lithium-ion battery may swell. There is usually one underlying cause for this to happen, though. Batteries usually swell because gas builds up, creates pressure, and expands them.With that in mind, we must consider the more common causes for a battery to store gas. Manufacturer defects can happen. If the […]

A Huge Guide to Improve Battery Life

Smartphones continue to get faster, and every update comes with a host of new features that promise to make your life easier. But this technology can also sap your battery life, causing you frustration. Battery life is going to massively differ between people due to what apps are being used – something as simple as […]